Our Journey through Parkinsons together

Created by Zena 3 years ago

We knew there was something wrong when we lived in Cornwall, but did not have a name for it. Three years ago Moyra had various scans and it was then confirmed that she had Parkinsons Plus Disease. This resulted in starting a program of care as Parkinsons gradually took over, loss of balance was a major problem followed by not being able to swallow solid food and had to then have substitute food. Parkinsons then caused muscles in her mouth and throat to not function properly resulting in her death. In early December following her visit into hospital we were told that she had 1-2 weeks to live, we were very fortunate to have her back home where our close family spent these two weeks visiting her and reminiscing, we even saw Christmas Day together. She slowly slipped away on the morning of the 30th December. 

We would like to thank the medical teams and carers who have been so excellent during this time.
